DataBase was updated on 2024-10-15

Domain Database
List of all websites

266M+ unique active domains across 1,518 domain zones

2 273 Happy clietns

Our features

Explore in-depth data on 266 million domains, including technologies, server locations, and owner contacts. GetArgon offers everything you need to analyze the global web landscape.

Full list of TLD

Database of 266 million active domains from 1,600 domain zones worldwide, all in one place.
Available for download in CSV format.

Technology of Domains

Discover the technologies behind each domain, including server type, programming languages, CMS, and more.

Contacts of Domains

Access domain owner contact details, including email and phone, to connect directly with website administrators and owners.

Gain an advantage today

Comprehensive database with detailed technologies

CSV format

About GetArgon

At GetArgon, we specialize in providing the most comprehensive and detailed database of active websites across the globe. Our mission is to offer businesses, developers, and researchers access to critical web infrastructure data, enabling them to analyze, connect, and grow in the digital landscape. With a focus on accuracy and depth, GetArgon is your go-to resource for domain information, technologies, and contacts.

Client Testimonials

"GetArgon has been a game-changer for my team. The depth of domain data, including server technologies and contact details, has significantly streamlined our outreach process. We’ve seen a marked improvement in connecting with the right people, thanks to their comprehensive database. Highly recommended for anyone serious about web analysis."
Ian Lenny
"The level of detail GetArgon provides is unmatched. With over 234 million domains at our fingertips, we can access valuable insights like server locations and technologies, all in one place. This has been incredibly useful for our research, and the CSV format makes it easy to integrate with our internal systems."
Andreas Obel
"Using GetArgon has allowed us to scale our digital marketing efforts efficiently. The accurate domain owner contacts have given us direct access to decision-makers, and the data is consistently reliable. It’s an essential tool for anyone looking to enhance their digital presence."
Lee Densmer


For businesses to access all data
$ 29
  • Full database (266M domains)
  • CSV format
  • Separatly by technologies
  • Separatly by TLD
  • Ready for upload to Ads system and CRMs


For custom request dataset
Let’s talk
  • Everything in Business, plus:
  • CSV, XML, JSON, SQL formats
  • Detect custom requirements
  • Custom reports

Main questions

To access the list, you need to make a purchase on our website. Once the transaction is complete, you will receive a download link for the file in your chosen format.

You can download a demo version with 100 domains to see the file format and included data.

The archive contains the following file types:

  1. All domains.csv — A complete list of domains only.
  2. All Domains with details.csv — A list of all domains with additional details such as “Country, Server Type, Technology, Email, Phone.”
  3. Domain details contained in contacts.csv — A list of domains that have either email or phone details, along with additional information: “Country, Server Type, Technology, Email, Phone.”
  4. Contacts for Ads custom audience.csv — A specially formatted file ready for import into custom audience systems in ad platforms.
  5. Folder “Domains separately by TLD” — A folder containing lists separated by TLD. For example, “{TLD}.csv” is like the All domains.csv, and “{TLD} contained contacts.csv” is similar to All Domains with details.csv.

All files are provided in the popular .CSV format. If you require a different format, please contact our support team. The total size of the archive is approximately 35GB, so ensure you have sufficient storage space before downloading.

All files are hosted on OneDrive. The maximum download speed is 1Gbit/s, but actual speed may vary depending on your country and internet service provider.

Yes, we provide a specially formatted file for ad systems, “Contacts for Ads custom audience.csv.” This file is ready for direct upload into your ad manager without any additional modifications.

We make every effort to ensure the data is accurate and up-to-date. However, due to the nature of email addresses and hidden personal data, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for all records.