2 289 happy clients
Regular updates for accuracy
Domain owner details for targeted outreach
Comprehensive domain database with detailed information
Our domains database is big, but it’s also easy to use. We’ve made it simple for anyone, not just data experts, to analyze and find the information they need. Here’s what it offers:
Gain access to the most comprehensive domains database, covering all types of top-level domains (TLDs) for unparalleled market insights.
This extensive TLD coverage in our domains database provides comprehensive insights across all major TLD types, supporting your research in domain distribution, technology trends, and market reach.
Get detailed insights into domain distribution by country with our comprehensive domains database.
Our domains database offers a unique perspective on the global web landscape, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to analyze market trends, international domain usage, and regional web presence.
Gain visibility into the server infrastructure of millions of domains with our detailed domains database.
Popular Server Technologies: Our domains database provides comprehensive insights into popular server types like Nginx or Apache, which collectively support over 21 million domains. This allows you to identify which server technologies dominate the web and track their market share.
Optimized for Performance and Security: Explore servers such as LiteSpeed or Varnish, known for their speed and caching capabilities, to understand which domains prioritize performance. Our domains database also includes data on security-focused servers, providing valuable information for cybersecurity analysts.
Enterprise and Specialized Servers: Analyze domains using enterprise-level servers, including IIS or Oracle HTTP Server, to see how large organizations manage their web infrastructure. Our database covers diverse server environments, including Jetty and JBoss for specialized use cases.
Emerging and Niche Servers: Track less common server types like Tengine, lighttpd, or Cowboy. These niche technologies offer insights into specific industries or regions, helping you identify emerging trends in server technology usage across domains.
Infrastructure and Reliability Analysis: With our domains database, you can see how server types contribute to website stability and performance. By analyzing server distribution, you gain a deeper understanding of the underlying infrastructure of millions of domains.
Our server type insights help you navigate the diverse server ecosystem, offering valuable data for technical analysis, market research, and infrastructure planning.
Explore detailed data on the technologies driving the world’s largest domains database.
Our domains database provides in-depth insights into the web technologies used by millions of websites. From popular content management systems and analytics tools to server software and e-commerce platforms, we track a wide range of technologies that power today’s online landscape.
Server Software: Understand server infrastructure choices with insights into Apache HTTP Server, NGINX, LiteSpeed Web Server, Microsoft IIS, Varnish Cache, and more. Analyze trends in server technology and spot market shifts in real-time.
Programming Languages and Frameworks: Identify the programming languages and frameworks in use, such as PHP, ASP.NET, Laravel, Nuxt.js, or Java. Our domains database helps you track which technologies are popular across industries and regions.
Content Management Systems (CMS): Discover which CMS platforms are prevalent, including WordPress, Wix, Joomla, Drupal, TYPO3, Magento, or Shopify. Use our data to gain insights into CMS market share and trends in content management.
E-commerce Platforms: Get a closer look at the online retail ecosystem with data on platforms like WooCommerce, BigCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart, or Zen Cart. Our domains database offers valuable information for understanding the tools that power e-commerce.
Analytics and Tracking Tools: Analyze the presence of tracking and analytics tools, including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, or Matomo (formerly Piwik). This insight helps you understand how websites measure performance and user behavior.
Security and Optimization: See how websites secure and optimize their performance with technologies like Cloudflare, Sucuri, reCAPTCHA, AdBlock, or Envoy Proxy. Track the adoption of these tools to understand trends in site security and user experience.
Payment Gateways and E-commerce Integrations: Gain insights into payment solutions like Stripe, PayPal or Authorize.Net. Our data lets you see which payment technologies are most widely adopted by online businesses.
With comprehensive technology insights, our domains database enables you to track the evolution of digital tools across millions of websites. Whether you’re analyzing market trends, researching competitive technologies, or tracking adoption rates, our data provides the clarity and depth you need.
Access a complete, regularly updated list of domains, ensuring you always have current data.
Import directly into analytics systems, CRM, and more. Available in the versatile CSV format for ease of use.
Get in-depth information on web technologies and access contact details of domain owners.
Enjoy the best prices in the market for extensive domain data and insights.
Building the world’s most comprehensive domains database to empower data-driven decisions.
At GetArgon, we specialize in collecting, analyzing, and providing access to one of the largest databases of active domains worldwide. With over 267 million domains across 1,600+ TLDs, our platform offers detailed insights into domain technologies, server locations, and ownership information. We serve researchers, marketers, developers, and businesses seeking reliable, up-to-date data to fuel their digital strategies.
Our mission is to bring transparency to the digital world by analyzing the vast ecosystem of online domains. We believe that by providing in-depth, accurate data on the technologies, trends, and market dynamics behind millions of websites, we can empower organizations to make smarter, data-driven decisions. GetArgon is committed to constantly expanding and refining our database to ensure our users have access to the latest insights and the most comprehensive domain analysis available.
With a focus on accuracy, relevance, and accessibility, GetArgon is your trusted resource for domain data. Our team is dedicated to delive
Yes, you can: Download preview database
To access the list, you need to make a purchase on our website. Once the transaction is complete, you will receive a download link for the file in your chosen format.
You can download a demo version with 300 domains to see the file format and included data.
The archive contains the following file types:
All files are provided in the popular .CSV format. If you require a different format, please contact our support team. The total size of the archive is approximately 35GB, so ensure you have sufficient storage space before downloading.
Yes, we provide a specially formatted file for ad systems, “Contacts for Ads custom audience.csv.” This file is ready for direct upload into your ad manager without any additional modifications.
We make every effort to ensure the data is accurate and up-to-date. However, due to the nature of email addresses and hidden personal data, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for all records.