Top Tomato Consumers in 2013


Products included in this statistic: tomatoes, tomato Juice, tomato paste and peeled tomatoes.

Production of tomatoes and products in 2017

World production of tomatoes and products in 2017 was 182 million tonnes. It was the 16th most cultivated crop after sugar cane at 1842 million tonnes, maize at 1135 million tonnes, potatoes at 388 million tonnes and cassava at 292 million tonnes, followed by watermelons at 118 million tonnes, sweet potatoes at 113 million tonnes, apples at 83 million tonnes, grapes at 74 million tonnes and eggplants at 52 million tonnes.

Consumption of tomatoes in 2013

Consumption of tomatoes across the world in 2013 was 144 million tonnes. It was the 15th most consumed food item after wheat at 458 million tonnes, starchy roots at 443 million tonnes and potatoes at 239 million tonnes. Some items consumed less than tomatoes in 2013 include maize and products at 125 million tonnes, bananas at 86 million tonnes, pulses at 50 million tonnes and sugar cane at 32 million tonnes.

Imports and Exports in 2013

Import of tomatoes was 19 million tonnes in 2013, while 22 million tonnes of tomatoes was exported.
